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Sunday, November 25, 2012

About JAAGA ,Android Development …and Cycling.


Ok, no need go get confused. The two topics in the title are completely different things, different worlds, actually. Today I attended a quick Android newbies session by the brilliant Adnan Brar, who is at the moment , bootstrapping his own startup : Taskgram.  The 2 hour event was hosted at a totally cool and hip atmosphere , JAAGA.  The concept of JAAGA of being a creative area where people can just hangout and discuss ideas is what makes it unique.  This is similar to what Noisebridge is doing in the US, provide a platform to interact with like minded individuals.

I have been searching for some tutorials on Android app development on the net, and I came across the hackerspaces community. There is found two, just two spaces registered from Bangalore, India, one being JAAGA. Its embarrassing that the techie city has nothing to offer for hackers to get together. Anyway, I found that there was an android session coming up on Sunday, so that meant I had to getup earlier than my usual 12 noon !

Now app development, or any kind of development,for that matter, is something I can do perfectly on my own with google to guide me. But there is something different when people get together and exchange ideas and brainstorm.  That’s  what led me to search out some kind of training session, to meet like minded hackers wanting to learn/create something new. Today I met Adnaan, Mayank, Nipun and..Nikhil, I think Smile.  The one common thread we had was that all of us were employed in good companies, but somehow the work were doing was not inspiring enough for the soul. I think it proves that its not just money that is important, we do need food for the hacker’s soul.

One of the guys turned up on his cool mountain bike, and he was also in fully cycling battle-gear ! Mayank is a certified bi-cycle nut, the moment you bring up the topic, you realise that you can’t just hold up to this guy’s passion for the wheels. He did give me some advice and tips and oodles of encouragement to take up bi-cycling myself, and I am seriously considering it.

Looking forward to the next coding session at JAAGA.Kudos to JAAGA for taking the initiative. I hope more such communities spring up in the garden city !


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