We live in strange, violent times. And nowhere is this more evident than on current news. This has lately caused me to intentionlally lose track of news from India. I wonder if India has always been like this, or is it because nowadays these kind of news gets reported more often ?
The number of domestic violences reported has spiked. From incidents of stalking, to confirmed cases of assault, leading to murder. Dissed lovers used to splash acid as revenge, now they set their ex-partners on fire. Out in the daylight. Rising counts of sexual violence against minors. More rapes and murders being reported, specially from inner villages. Crime is rising, and democracy is decaying.
What is leading to these spikes in pre-meditated crimes ? Apart from a false sense of superioty by the preprator, it is lack of crime control. Lack of an efficient justice system. And lack of fear. The law in the country is so slow and backward, it takes decades for a court case to come ot conclusion. And the increasing bribery in the government does not help either.
One can only hope, foolishly, that humanity will come to its senses sooner, than later.