This Place is Taken

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Forrest Fenn's treasure

Its surprising what one can find online, when one has the time. I was ill for a day, and started going through youtube for things to keep my brain active. One thing lead to another, and I came across a video about Forrest Fenn's memoir and the treasure he has supposedly hidden in the rocky mountains of America. Also about the more than 350,000 people who have searched for the treasure so far, unsuccessfully.

I was hooked.

Now there is no way I could go up to those mountains in the US to look for the treasure, valued anywhere between 1 and 5 million USD. This story is remarkable in more than one way.

Forrest Fenn himself has an enviable career and past. He grew up near the mountains, and spent much of his childhood there, wandering the forests. He served in the air force, and travelled abroad on missions. Probably picked up some history while he was there. Retired, and became a collector, of all things, and setup an art gallery. How does one go from the airforce into art ? He earned his riches selling his art to Hollywood and the rich. There were cases registered against him for stolen art. He fought off cancer.

And he says his motive of hiding the treasure was to give people hope. And to get them outdoors, looking for the treasure.

Well, that definitely worked. Today, there are dozens of online groups and communities were enthusiasts meet and share information and their interpretation of the poem. What poem, you ask? Fenn left a poem in his memoir, which has 9 clues which leads to the exact spot the treasure is buried. The problem is, that poem itself can be interpreted in hundreds of ways, leading to thousands of spots across four states in the US. It all depends on one's local knowledge.

In the decade that followed his memoir, fans and treasure hunters have pestered and question him for more clues, a request he has till date denied. But he has maintained that all that one needs is the poem, a map, and a sandwich! Still, people go to great lengths to try and decipher the poem to some place off the beaten track.

Some people have already died.

While Fenn himself has accepted that a few have got to 200 feet of the treasure.

Its fun to see people using new gen technology, like google maps and google earth to chart hidden pathways. Then using weather and elevation maps to cross reference points. Everyone is disappointed when their predictions fail, but they return with renewed energy. Some have even spent tens of thousands of their own money to find the treasure. But they still persist.

It’s a story of sheer determination, of being outdoors, of trekking in the wild. Treasure hunting ! Without a map. Solving clues, deciphering maps. The stuff of kids movies.

The hunt is still on.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Don't fight. We have so little time.

Our universe is 13.772 billion years old. Earth is 4.5 billion years old. We humans occupty such a short sliver of time in the grand scale, its actually insignificant. We take our life and time for granted. But once in a while, something happens which leads us to sit up and take notice. And that event is…

a death in the family.

Or it could be someone you have interacted with closely, a friend from the past. The passing awa of someone dear or near leads humans to contemplate their own time in this universe.

This is me contemplating.

I lost an uncle in the family. He and his family was long estranged from the rest of us. His son lead him to take a series of bad decisions, which inluded lies and deceit. When the others found out, everyone decided to cut ties with him. It did not matter to them he was their eldest brother, and that his hand was forced by his own son. In India, pride of the family, and respect within society is more important than personal ties. I was too young to understand, and I still do not understand how people can simply write of relationships.

Anyway, we came to know of his death from the papers, sort off. And now , decades later, people are overcome with guilt, I think ? As they say in the ancient fables, blood relations are special. Its easy to say a decision was right to save 'honour', but conscience does ultimately weigh in. We now have to live with that feeling that we were probably wrong.

Relationships could have been saved, wounds would have mended. A few day's anger could be overcome after some second thoughts.

We are all not going to live forever. There is no point in making enemies for life. We have so little time.

A quote says: "we live a long as we are remembered". That would mean the recently departed is still among us, as we reminsce the good old fun days we had back in the day.

Ebola and Chernobyl

Cannot believe what's trending on TV now. After the finales of Big bang theory and Game of thrones (two big loads of bullshit), some of the other smaller TV programmes are finally getting airtime, and attention. For some reason, people now enjoy watching past disasters.

One of the recommendations I got was to watch 'The Hot Zone', a 6 part fictional telling of  what was supposed to be a real Ebola outbreak on the US East Coast in 1989. This even was not well covered by media, not because the outbreak was contained in time, but because the strain of Ebola involved was not harmful to humans. But that has not stopped the makers of the show to exxagerate events, and add a layer of cheap horror movie thrills and sounds to what was supposedly a highly scientific operation.

The other TV event of the year is the simply named Chernobyl. Airing on HBO, it re-enacts the events immediately after the 1986 explosion at the doomed Soviet nuclear power plant. The show is now the highest rated TV show, scoring points for its authenticity in story and its sets. The attention to detail to the people, places and things is so high, it confused people from that era. It’s still debated how many people died due to radiation and long-term health effects as a result of the nuclear accident, with estimates ranging from 4000 to a whopping 90,000.

It truly baffles me why the audience loves to watch stories on these past disasters. These are important events of reckoning, no doubt, and humanity has learned from this mishaps. But when the story moves to the TV format, it suffers the hollywood treatment. Times are compressed, multiple people are merged, and there is always the one person who saves the day. In reality, the mistakes are made as a team, and the world is saved as a team. There have been multiple documentaires on events like these, but none of them get the attention they deserve. Its one of those unfortunte cases where fiction triumps facts.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Dry Chennai

The trending news in my part of the news cycle is the utter shortage of water in Chennai city. People are struggling without potable water, private companies have asked employees to 'work from home', and clashes have erupted. The government does what it always does; it has gone into denial mode, asking people not to spread fake news, and asking temples to arrange for special prayers for rain.

Typical Chennai.

I should know, because I have lived in that hell hole for 3 years. Even 10 years ago, the sight of bright , colorful, plastic pots arranged in a line in front of public water taps was common sight. It rained only for a few weeks in a year, and people and places are not used to rains. The slightest rain would cause roads to flood up. But a few soon drying rivers supplied the city with much needed water. The apartments we lived in , on the east coast of the city, was too close to the beaches, so the ground water was brine. Undrinkable. Unfit for cooking, but maybe usable for some cleaning and washing. Fresh water

Uncontrolled population growth, and lack of planning has led to the water tables in the state further depleting. But this never stopped the uncontrolled 'development' in the city. Finally , after decades of negligance,  the city is now dry. Harsh reality.

In the past, the city used to fight for rubbishness like jallikuttu, and 'superstars' of movies, and even language.

But it is now a dry city.

Monday, June 10, 2019

Migrant story

Kerala was a net in-migrating state till 1930s. The state's rich natural wealth of spices, coconut, teak and ivory brought foreigners to the state from as early as third millennium BCE. Different merchant communities from within the country also came to the state from 19th Century onwards.

Though Keralites are regarded as a highly mobile class of people, the migratory movements from the state are of comparatively recent origin, according to KV Joseph, who studied the pattern of migration from the state. In his study entitled 'Factors and Pattern of Migration: The Kerala Experience', he said that census reports till the end of the 19th Century had portrayed Keralites as home-bound people who don't stir out of their village moorings.

"Simple mode of life with the bulk of the people meeting the bare subsistence needs formed the style of living in Kerala for centuries. At the same time any urge for improving their living conditions by acquiring new goods, or by exerting more effort seemed to be missing among Keralites," the study noted.

Joseph has attributed this to the absence of favourable conditions for migration such as frequent droughts, famines, poor economic conditions and population pressure. When these conditions forced millions of people from rest of India to move out under 'indenture' and 'kangani' systems of labour recruitment, Keralites stayed put in the state.

According to the study, 1.36 crores Indians crossed the borders of India and migrated to various parts of the world between 1824-25 and 1896-1900. Most of them were from Uttar Pradesh, Odisha, Tamil Nadu and Andhra regions where conditions of abject poverty and misery prevailed.

Historians believe that Keralites did not prefer the assisted migration because of their great sense of independence and higher levels of literacy. They started migrating only when semi-skilled and quasi professional jobs became available in early 20th Century. However, it acquired the characteristics of a stream since then leading to different waves of migration.

Large-scale migration from Kerala started after the World War II, when the army and other defence forces started recruiting large number of young men. This gave educated Keralites employment opportunities. More than 1.5 lakh people joined the army and civilian labour force from Travancore alone in the initial phase of the recruitment. Hundreds of thousands of young men were enrolled in the army from Cochin and Malabar regions also.

Demand for labour came not only from army but also from other sectors of the economy connected with the war. This, along with massive development programme launched soon after Independence also opened up huge opportunities for educated Keralites. The surge in industrial activity led to huge demand for skilled workers and educated persons in various states of the country.

According to Joseph, this served as pull factors to the migratory movements from Kerala which was in the forefront of educational development. This transformed the state from a net in-migration area to net out-migration area. Out-migrants from Kerala as a percentage to state population accounted for only 3.69 percent in 1961. This went up to 4.44 percent by 1981. The state accounted for 4.74 of the total inter-state migrants in the country in 1981.

Though migrants from Kerala can be found in almost all types of occupations, their presence is more conspicuous in the "employment of' office personnel as typists, stenographers, accountants and clerks".

After breaking off the initial inertia, there was no stopping for the home-bound Keralites. They started exploring opportunities everywhere. Soon, educated young men started moving to the West as well with the US becoming a favourite destination for engineers, doctors, business executives, accountants and paramedical professionals like nurses. Keralites, who started moving to the US after Independence, formed roughly 10 percent of the Indian population there, according to studies.

However, the discovery of oil in the Gulf in 1966 was the major trigger for the biggest stream of migration from Kerala. This came when potential migrants from the state were put in a predicament by the shrinking employment opportunities in other parts of India. The massive construction activities spurred by the oil boom in countries like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar and United Arab Emirates also attracted the migrants.

The ethnic connections between the Mappilla Muslims of Malabar and the Arabs (the former is believed to be descendants of Arab merchants) and the maritime trade relations Kerala had with countries in the West Asia since ancient times made matters easy for the potential migrants in Kerala.

The migrants made best use of these favourable conditions by working hard without complaining about the working conditions, said S Irudaya Rajan, who has done a number of studies on migration from and its impact, dispelling stereotypes associated with Malayalis being lazy and complaining.

While a Malayali considers manual job inferior to his status and always fight for their rights in Kerala, he transforms completely once he steps out of the state, says Rajan, who is the chair professor of the research unit on International Migration under the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs. Once he is outside, the Malayali is ready to do any job, including the manual jobs without complaining about the remuneration or his rights.

Apollo Tyres chairman Onkar Kanwar, who is struggling to keep two tyre manufacturing units running in Kerala in the face of frequent labour struggles, is amazed by this transformation; "If Malyalis are ready to do half the work that they do in Gulf, Kerala can easily become another Dubai." This observation made by the Apollo group head at an investors' meet at Kochi a few years ago is perhaps the best testimony to the goodwill enjoyed the Malayali Diaspora.

The migration to the Gulf has left a deep impact on the socio-economic front of the state. Though the remittances they brought has helped the state in reducing poverty, unemployment and relative deprivation, its fallout on the people depending on the migrants both directly and indirectly is huge. The Gulf migration has adversely affected one million married women, two million children and four million aged people, who have been left behind by the migrants.