This Place is Taken: Siebel – Useful Business Services

Friday, February 8, 2013

Siebel – Useful Business Services

FS Holiday API Service GetElapsedBusinessTime Returns business time taken to accomplish task. It is used when you want to work on some date or date related information
GetResponseTime Returns commited time based on service calander and exception calander
IsHoliday Returns TRUE or FALSE if given day is holiday and return next working day
Workflow Process Manager RunProcess Used to run a workflow Used either explicitly or internally to run a workflow
SLM Save List Service LoadPopupApplet Used for displaying a pop applet at run time. Details-The Applet Used should have type standard and contain the class as  CSSSWEFrameListPopup. If you are facing any problem creating the applet then just copy the vanilla applet - FINS Service Request Order ID Popup Applet and then customize it according  to the requirement To show a pop applet at run time
ISS Add Attachment Service AddAttachment AttachmentFieldName (Lit)( AccntFileName)BusinessComponent(Lit)( Account Attachment)BusinessObject(Lit)(Account)File(Lit)(Path of the attch)HeaderBusinessComponent(Lit)(Account)ObjectIdHere – Lit – means – Literal – OR – hard coded value.AttachmentFieldName – is the name of the field on which we want to add the attachment. In our case it is AccntFileNameBusinessComponent – Name of the Business Component to which the field belongs. In our case we have chosen - Account Attachment – as the Business Component.BusinessObject - Name of the Business Object to which the chosen Business Component belongs. In our case we have chosen - Account Attachment – as the Business Component. In this case Business Object is Account.Object Id – Row id of the record.All these are input arguements to the method and there is NO Output arguement from the method. Used to add the attachment when required to any of the business component
SIS OM PMT Service Set Profile Attribute Used to set and get the Profile Attribute Profile Attributes are used For Global purpose
Get Profile Attribute
FINS Goto View Service GotoView Used to navigate to different view When you want to navigate to different view
FINS Teller UI Navigation RefreshCurrentApplet Used to refresh the current applet Used when we want to refresh the current applet without breaking the sequence
GotoView Used to go to a view you want Nevigate to a view you want
FS Verify Entitlement GetBestResponseTime If you want to get the response time from entitlement matrix by passing  the priority and the entitlement id  and entitlement name as input but it will not take calendar into consideration. It will give calendar id as an output. Used in service request to get the committed time based on the entitlement matrix. It is one of the block in the Vanila  workflow FS – Verify Entitlement SR.
Data Validation Manager Validate Used to Validate a rule set  present in Administration-Data Validation.This returns the result code and result message which means the message in the validation messages - associated with the rule set and can work by passing the rule set name only.It can be called from either from workflow or from the run time event Scenario- In an insurance company, claim adjusters are required to enter a closed date whenever they close a claim. If the adjuster tries to close a claim without a closed date, an error message appears and the claim record is not committed to the database.
SiebelUserProfileService GetProfileAttribute Used to set the profile attribute and get the profile attribute To set and get profile attribute

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